We are all just trying to find out new normal with all that life brings us at the moment and I’m going to continue to blog and share beauty with you all, so I hope that’s good with you. I can’t sit around and wring my hands, it’s scary out there but we have to continue living our lives and know that this too shall pass. We don’t know how fast or how hard it will pass, but it will pass. Praying that God guides our country through this pandemic with the least amount of damage to health and finances for all of us.
Now, on to a positive subject. Spring is here and it’s a great time to get outside. Mark and I have been on our bikes again and it feels good to be out in the sunshine (finally!) and get some fresh air. Being cooped up for months during winter and rainy season hasn’t been fun, so it’s nice to get some good weather now. That’s a plus for Spring!
The post Spring Table Setting Inspiration appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Filed under: Riding Tips
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