Today, we are in our cabin in Oregon. I think we will try to kayak and maybe even check out the pickleball. We didn’t think we’d like playing, but it is FUN!
I love this.
It took me a long time to figure this out… (hint: it is a water bird)
Oh My Gosh! This is extraordinary.
Beautiful. Those who are cruel to animals have disregarded that we are all animals… we all feel.
I’m going to do this!
Gorgeous. Such special lighting.
The stories it could tell…
Beautiful. I cannot remember if this is Oregon or California. If anyone knows, please let me know.
I love foal season.
This must be in a very playful park somewhere.
OMG I would do the exact same thing!!
Too cute!
Yes, take me there, Calvin.
A new Morgan mom. (Yes, she needs a new halter.)

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