Name’s Caribbean Spring, better known to all my many fans as the Bean. Am’s very famous six-year-old racehorse, am exceptionally talented at the runnins with my small human aboard. Together we make a heckin’ great team but am not just known for my incredible racing talents am also a protector of the Small Human (SH) from the many dangers that lurk on the heath.

Day-to-day I reckons I do her life a savin’ at least 10 times. The SH is heckin’ oblivious can’t spot a dangers pigeon a mile off, if it wasn’t for the Bean doins a protectin’, Frankel only knows where the SH would be. My daily protections and reviews of the chaos are posted ons my Twitter @LifeOfBean and Instagram @ThoughtsOfBean.

I first met the SH in 2016, when I arrived at the boss human’s yard. The mother of Bean soon became one of my favourite humans as she was the first to provide the snacks — I ates them all within minutes of doin’ an arrive and gots more and more and now am chunky and mother of Bean is to blames.

Mother of Bean was the ones I protected first, buts the day after I nearly flattened the Boss Human to save Mother Of Bean from a killer squirrel, it was decided the SH would do the ridins and soon enough I dones a winnin’ for the jockey human Jane. I dones three winnins with jockey human Jane, who told the Boss Human I did good boy Bean at the races and the SH should haves a go, ands have a go the SH did.

Our very first race was ats Pontefract. Now I don’ts know much, but it’s a heckin’ long way away and SH said it was like a rollercoaster I did think she was goins to do a sick at one point for the sheer speeds I was doins (am very heckin’ fast). We didn’t do a win that day but I kept the SH safe and next time at Salisbury she didn’ts want to do a sick.

The third time we raced together we knews what we were doins and obviously cause am so talented we dids a win at Ascot. The SH didn’t stops doins a grinnins all heckin’ day, even when I stopped to do a protectin’ in the winners enclosure (many humans surroundins had to do a checkins of the area as yous cans never be too sure). The boss human and the SH’s human (who is a stallion man and has to do me a lead up ’cause ams so important) were theres and were of course tellins everyone hows wonderful I am. I got extra extra snacks from everyones for my incredible runnins and everyone founds out who the Bean was.

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At the moment, in-betweens my incredible runnins, I’ve bean given an important jobs to dos — am protector of not just the SH but also the SH’s Big Sister and my Neigh-Bour, Model, who is also a fast racehorse (almost as fasts as me, but nots quites), but unlike Bean doesn’t likes to make news friends, so I keeps thems all safe.

Be sure to do my videos a watchin’ to checks your Bean’s safetys and remember peoples, always ensure you have snacks.


For all the latest equestrian news and reports, don’t miss Horse & Hound magazine out every Thursday

Well hello there folks — it’s so lovely to have you following my brand new blog.

I’m Clare, an almost 40-year-old professional producer and re-trainer of former racehorses based in Gloucestershire, UK. I’m super-excited to be working with Horse & Hound and am looking forward to sharing my equestrian life, showing preparation and season, along with my love for all things horsey with you.

I love to learn what makes a thoroughbred tick and will be sharing with you in this blog everything from starting out with your new former racehorse, clinic outings, training ideas, troubleshooting, super grooming tips, what’s trending, my must-have products as well as a very honest insight into my life with these awesome horses — the highs, lows and everything in-between!

I have ridden for as long as I can remember. My first pony was an incredibly naughty bay Shetland called Gemma. I definitely spent more time on the floor than on board! However, all the best riders fall off and she taught me to live by my favourite quote “What if I fall? Oh my darling, but what if you fly?”

An active member of the Ledbury Pony Club, I spent most of my teenage years on an awesome eventing pony, Mr Max, who taught me so much. When I outgrew ponies, my first horse was an ex-racer called Marco. The rest is history, as they say.

Buckingham Boys really solidified my love of ex-racehorses with his honest, willing and lovely temperament. His presence in the show arena turned many a judge’s head on his way to the Horse of the Year Show (HOYS) seven times (including SEIB racehorse to riding horse, ladies hunter, ladies show horse and lightweight hunter). I’m pictured top with Word of Warning, Jack the Giant and Definightly.

Buckingham Boys Credit: Jo Sutherst Photography

Former racehorses are my passion. Nothing beats the journey from that raw, fresh off-the-track project. Through the hours of hard work, sweat, tears and patience, come results from the first time in the show ring to the goosebumps walking through the purple curtains at HOYS. I have been lucky enough to have made the walk through those purple curtains on eight different occasions with ex-racehorses.

Each racehorse requires some downtime when they first arrive. It is essential that they have the opportunity to ‘be a horse’ and learn to relax in a different environment. I then start their retraining with relaxed hacking and light schooling. The next step is to take on the dressage arena with a low-key unaffiliated competition.

Nabatean Credit: Jo Sutherst Photography

In January, Nabatean, a seven-year-old ex-Flat horse, went to his first public outing. Since he arrived with me, I have been working hard on his groundwork and in the school to improve his frame and his muscle. At first, he was quite lean, and so had to learn to use himself differently to how he would have as a racehorse. His muscle has now built up and he has changed shape.

All the hard work is paying off as he loaded beautifully and went onto to compete in two tests — an intro and a prelim. As an ex-racer, he has had to learn to work with other horses in an arena, so the numbers warming up provided him with a new experience. To ex-racers, the concept of other horses in an arena, moving in different directions instead of one, is an alien one. His biggest challenge of the day… hairy cobs — Nabatean has never seen legs with hair! He did not know what to do with himself, and his eyes were fixated on the legs. A minor meltdown later and Nabatean met the cob, but still he could not take his eyes off that hair. Despite several nervy moments, he went onto score 66% in his prelim test to finish third behind two lovely young eventers. There is a lot to look forward to in this boy’s future.

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None of this would be possible with the support of my family. My amazing husband, Colin, is not from a horsey background, but his belief in my journey and his encouragement make him my biggest supporter. He has even mastered turning a blind eye to the washing machine being constantly full of hairy, smelly horse laundry!

Pippa the lorry dog Credit: Jo Sutherst Photography

The rest of my support team are my three lovely children — Amy (13), Poppy (12) and Arthur (nine). Along with Pippa the lorry dog, they love the road trips up and down the country on the show circuit.

Thank you for reading this, and I hope you enjoy my musings. I look forward to sharing just how #thorough[bred]lyversatile life can be with a former racehorse.


For all the latest equestrian news and reports, don’t miss Horse & Hound magazine, out every Thursday.

Dear reader, welcome to my world!

My name is Claire Drey-Brown, and my world is literally run by horses as I’m a professional rider. Realistically though, my world is also run by my mental health. Bit of a bombshell, right?

What I have discovered throughout my life is that bottling everything up and pretending that I am fine gets me absolutely nowhere. I have severe anxiety and depression, and I am not ashamed. I have recently spoken online about about my struggles with mental health and how it affects my riding, and I was FLOODED with responses from fellow equestrians who had similar feelings.

From then on I decided that I will speak out about mental health whenever I can, in order to reassure readers that they are not alone, and hopefully help a few people along the way too.

Everyone always jokes about the ‘horse world’ and the ‘real world’ being very separate and different. Luckily for those in the ‘real world’, mental health is being talked about more and more each day. More people are beginning to recognise mental illnesses and treat them in a similar way to a physical illness. More people are ‘coming out’ with their illnesses, and more people are being accepted for these ‘flaws’. More people are seeking help and support and, as a result, more people are getting better.

However, in the ‘horsey’ world, we are running a little behind. We have a stereotype to uphold, you see. Riders must be cool, calm and collected. We must be brave, tough and gutsy. We must NEVER let our emotions show at a competition, or let them come out during a ride. God forbid we might share our ‘weak’ feelings, or we run the risk of looking unprofessional and potential sponsors and owners may be scared off. You may lose followers, people may talk and so on…

The horse world needs to change. We need to be more open and supportive of each other.

To the dressage rider who has a panic attack in their lorry before entering the ring — you are not alone.

To the eventer who has trouble remembering courses and dressage tests because their head is racing and overwhelmed — you are not alone.

To the showjumper who always has a pole down because they are anxious performing in front of crowds — you are not alone.

To the happy hacker who only sticks to the fields because they feel they don’t ‘belong’ schooling in an arena — you are not alone.

To the junior rider who worries about results, mainly because they will have to update their social media afterwards and share said results — you are not alone.

To the older rider who is considering giving up because they compare themselves unfavourably to younger talent — you are not alone.


Credit: EquusPhoto

When people start to talk about their problems and mental health, something amazing happens; people start to listen. People start to support each other and realise that they are not alone in their problems. I fear that the culture of the ‘horsey world’ encourages riders to suppress their emotions.

This is what I did, to cope with the pressures of our world…

I’d take a deep breath and push the feelings deeper inside me. I’d appear to be cool, calm, collected and professional. No one could tell that inside I was a total mess. I didn’t just have a few pretty little butterflies, I had a hoard of ugly flapping moths whirling around in my stomach. I tried to trick my horse that I was as calm as everyone else believes, which of course rarely works. But to anyone watching, I looked professional and relaxed for the entirety of the day. It’s all about appearances, right?

I’d get an average dressage mark, but it would be a nice, smart test. Just lacking some flashiness and ‘wow factor’. No one would know that I couldn’t produce flashiness because I was terrified of forgetting the test and my whole body was tensed up, meaning I couldn’t ride effectively.

My horse and I would produce an attractive showjumping round, but we’d roll a pole. Later to be described by myself on social media as ‘four faultitis’. No one would know that I was overthinking my riding, and took one too many pulls on the approach to the fence next to the crowd of people, convinced that they’d be judging my riding and ripping it apart; as I was.

I’d run through the motions in the cross-country warm-up — jump a few fences, and then a couple on an angle. I’d calmy walk into the start box, give my horse a scratch on the neck, and set off. Any spectators would think it was sweet that I reassured my horse in this way, but actually it was more for myself. I would smile politely to all I came across and joke with the starter. No one would know that I couldn’t ride as well as I know I can, because I was having an anxiety attack. No one would know that, despite the smart composure, I was a total mess inside.

Not only did I hide my emotions from others, I was in denial for so long that I went numb emotionally. I didn’t feel the bad emotions, but I also didn’t really feel the full extent of the good, and eventually, I lost my love for my sport.

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It is only recently, after painfully addressing my suppressed feelings that I am able to begin to truly ride cooly, calmly, and collectedly. It is also only now that I am able to enjoy my sport, and truly love it again.

I was so obsessed with how I would look to others, what they may think, and what I would have to write on social media, that I ‘choked’. I began to be honest on social media, and share how I felt, and I was overwhelmed by the amount of people who felt exactly the same as I did. I realised that it was okay to feel everything I had been feeling. So I stopped trying to hide it so much. No one made fun of me for it, or thought I was being unprofessional. What people did do, was support me, and help me to fulfil my potential. I learnt a valuable lesson.

Anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses are so common. It could be anyone. The trouble is, nobody wants to talk about it, and that makes everything worse, for everyone. Mental Health is NOT a personal failure, there is no shame in admitting that you are not okay. Never be ashamed of your own story, it could inspire others and help them with theirs.

The only thing more exhausting than having a mental illness, is pretending that you don’t.


For all the latest equestrian news and reports, don’t miss Horse & Hound magazine, out every Thursday.

Cian O’Connor and PSG Final riding for Ireland in the FEI Nations Cup Final in Barcelona 2019

Ireland’s showjumpers have won the Longines FEI Nations Cup Final on Sunday (6 October) and with it earned a hard-fought ticket to the Tokyo Olympics in 2020.

The Irish quartet of Peter Moloney (Chianti’s Champion), Paul O’Shea (Skara Glen’s Machu Picchu), Darragh Kenny (Balou Du Reventon) and Cian O’Connor (PSG Final) rose to the challenge — and brushed off the huge weight of pressure on their shoulders — to come home with a team total of just 1 penalty.

Ireland, crucially, finished ahead of Italy and Colombia with whom they were battling for Olympic qualification, so with that in the bag celebrations had already begun in earnest before the competition was over. The last time Ireland sent a showjumping team to an Olympic Games was Athens in 2004.

But with only one rider left to jump, the overall winner of the Nations Cup Final still hung in the balance. A clear from Gregory Wathelet on MJT Nevados S would ensure victory for Belgium but, riding down the final line, pressure told and a shock run-out from the horse handed the baton to Ireland. It marked a momentous day in Irish showjumping history.

“We had a clear objective to get the Olympic ticket here this week and all the riders fought really hard as it can all be over on the first day in this competition. It was mission accomplished,” said Rodrigo Pessoa, whose contract as Ireland’s team manager is coming to a close.

“We expected a tough fight from Italy and Colombia for that Olympic qualification, but as it went through the competition, it turned out we were up against the big teams, too – and won. They did it in style so hats off to our riders. I’m beyond delighted and really proud.”

Anchorman Cian O’ Connor who, like his team-mates was wearing an orange armband for injured showjumper Kevin Babington, added: “You don’t come here just to qualify — we came here to win.”

Belgium ended up in the runner-up position with Sweden finishing third.

Don’t miss the full report from the Longines FEI Nations Cup Final in next week’s issue of Horse & Hound, out Thursday 10 October.


An equestrian centre has raised £1,500 to help find a cure for brain tumours, in support of showing producer Rory Gilsenan who is undergoing treatment for the condition.

Addington Equestrian Centre raised the funds at its pre-HOYS (Horse of the Year Show) working hunter show last Sunday (22 September), days after Rory underwent a second brain surgery.

The Bicester-based rider was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumour a year ago at the age of 49 shortly after taking his first victory at HOYS.

His course of treatment involved surgery at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy but the tumour returned and last Friday he underwent a second operation.

At Rory’s request, donations for the Milton Keynes-based charity Brain Tumour Research were collected at the Addington show, which he usually attends. Winners were also encouraged to donate their prize money, helping raise the £1,500 towards vital research.

“Rory is a very popular guy and everyone is hoping the surgery has gone well. Rory’s absence on Sunday was very much felt. We were all thinking about him,” said Addington manager Chris Parker.

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Brain tumours are responsible for the deaths of more children and adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer, yet historically just 1% of the national spend on cancer research has been allocated to this disease.

Paula Rastrick, community fundraising manager for Brain Tumour Research in the central region, said: “We are very grateful to Addington Equestrian Centre for its support. Rory’s story reminds us that brain tumours are indiscriminate; they can affect anyone at any age. Together, with the help of all our supporters, we will find a cure.”

Friends of Rory’s from the equestrian world have rallied to support the rider, with many using the hashtag #RootingforRory on social media to send their good wishes.

Rory’s wife Vanessa posted on Facebook on Friday that his operation had gone well and that he was up and “busy reading all your messages”.

For all the latest news analysis, competition reports, interviews, features and much more, don’t miss Horse & Hound magazine, on sale every Thursday.

Ros Canter Badminton
Ros Canter at the Outlander PHEV Bank, fence 13ab

Ros Canter and Allstar B have finished third and fifth at the Mitsubishi Motors Badminton Horse Trials the past two years, before going on to take the World Championship title last autumn.

Ros is not riding at Badminton this year because she is expecting her first child, but she visited the venue to share her views on Eric Winter’s cross-country course exclusively with Horse & Hound readers in today’s magazine (25 April), and in our online videos.

Fence 17abc & 18: Mirage Water

Please be patient while waiting for the video below to load…

Ros says: “The direct route is over a left-hand corner, on a right-hand curve to jump a wide ditch with running water and on to another left-hand corner. The first corner must be jumped at an angle in order to take the ditch on the left and be successful at finding the line to the second corner. The temptation is to make the first corner too kind and be pushed too far right at the ditch.

“The ditch is not like the man-made, wooden-sided ditches our horses see frequently. Riders should be ready to react to an awkward jump and hold the line to the corner, without being too committed to a stride pattern (it’s likely to be four or five).

“The numbering means riders who take the direct route corner (17ab) are committed to the open ditch (c), but it is possible to make a quick change of plan after the ditch and divert to the long route corner at fence 18. I predict most will go direct at the first corner and ditch, so the long route over another corner (17a) and a rail into the pond (17bc) will be little used.”

Fence 19ab: Nyetimbe Heights

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Ros says: “Riders need a plan here to make their chosen line as smooth and efficient as possible. In this intense area any awkward jumps will accumulate to knock the horse’s confidence.

“Everyone tackles a brush on top of a mound, then riders pick between the most right-hand skinny (jumped left to right, so away from the direction of the getaway channel) or any one of three skinnies jumped right to left.

“My preference is the second skinny from the left and on this route, riders should jump the brush slightly from left to right, so they are on the required curve. It’s not an easy fence to change your mind at, so if a horse leaves a leg or pecks, riders would be better to try to recover quickly and stick to their plan, rather than trying to pull left to find a route to the right-hand skinny.”

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Check out these pictures of Ros walking the course…

Ros Canter Badminton

Ros and Eric Winter inspect the Savills Staircase (fences 4abc and five).

Ros Canter Badminton

Ros eyes up the KBIS Bridge (fences 11 and 12).

Ros Canter Badminton

The distance to the final skinny at the Outlander PHEV Bank (fence 13ab) is unpredictable.

Ros Canter Badminton

Eric stands on the take-off point at the Hildon Water Pond (fence 15ab) and looks down to Ros, who is standing at the bottom of the drop. A waterfall will run down the back of the fence.

Ros Canter Badminton

Ros looks at the first corner at the Mirage Pond (fence 17abc and 18).

Ros Canter Badminton

The world champion checks out the oxer into the Voltaire Design Huntsman’s Close (fence 28ab).

Ros Canter Badminton

Horses jump two big brushes with ditches in front of them on the way home at the Eclipse Cross Chicane (fence 29ab).

Ros Canter Badminton

The HorseQuest Quarry (fence 30ab) is the penultimate combination on course.

Read Ros’s thoughts on every fence on the course in today’s Horse & Hound magazine (dated 25 April). 

Our full Badminton form guide is in next week’s issue (dated 2 May). 

Hi everyone!

My name is Alice Haynes, I am 27 and based in the heart of horse racing in Newmarket, Suffolk. I have a pre-training racing yard which helps fund my expensive hobby of eventing, and this year I am your 2019 H&H Badminton Mitsubishi Motors Cup blogger.

I have three horses, (all grey) varying from the new kid on the block, Freddie who is a four-year-old, Hyacint DHI, a seven-year-old competing at novice/CCI2-S, hoping to step up to intermediate later this year; and finally Murph (Slieve Rushen Frank), the fabulous six-year-old Connermara pony who has qualified for the Mitsubishi Motors Cup at Badminton in the 100 class in around a month’s time (30 April-1 May).

I broke him in as a three-year-old and produced him — he even went novice at the end of last year. He has serious potential and I wish I was a kid again as he would be the dream FEI pony. The phrase ‘not all heroes wear capes’ definitely apply to this pony, although I’m sure a cape would suit him!

There is no better feeling going into a fence knowing even if we are slightly wrong, it is like he says ‘don’t worry mum, I’ve got this!’

Murph stepped up to BE100 level at Horseheath last year, where he produced a double clear and we got our regional final qualification for Badminton. He spent the rest of the year doing five-year-old classes and then went to Weston Park for our regional final attempt, where we finished second and qualified.

At the beginning of each year I set goals for myself and each of the horses. Qualifying for the Mitsubishi Motors Cup was one of my aims last year, and I was thrilled to have done so as it was my last opportunity as I intended to take Hyacint up the levels over the next few years (you have to wait 10 years after your final intermediate run before you can have another go at riding at the Mitsubishi Motors Cup).

I train with Carolyn Watson, who is great for flat work, and also Sharon Hunt, with the odd grilling from Caroline Moore (please see clips from last week in my video). But to be honest, the less work for Murph the better as he likes to be fresh and being based in Newmarket gives me no excuse not to have him flea fit!

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My intentions/dream is to be writing a blog in five year’s time as I prepare for my first ‘real’ Badminton! But we will make the most of the experience of this year as a first-timer rider, so please follow my journey for a look at my daily life and how we prepare for the big day and look out for us and cheer us along — you won’t miss a 14.2hh who thinks he is a lot bigger and a jockey who I’m sure will be grinning from ear to ear. Then all I need to do is continue to dream for five years!


For all the latest equestrian news and reports, don’t miss Horse & Hound magazine, out every Thursday.

equine flu
Library image

All racing and point-to-point fixtures have been abandoned until at least Wednesday (13 February) due to the equine flu outbreak.

The British Horseracing Authority (BHA) will make a decision on Monday as to whether racing can resume on Wednesday, but all meetings are off between now and Tuesday.

“The BHA’s veterinary team has today been in contact with more than 50 trainers and veterinarians to allow it to make an informed assessment of the risk of equine influenza spreading,” said a statement this afternoon (7 February).

“While no further positive tests have been received, at least three more days are required before it will be possible to make a decision about whether it is safe to resume racing.”

The BHA spokesman added the disease can take up to three days before signs are visible, meaning it will be Sunday at the earliest before the organisation will have all the information it needs to make a decision.

“This approach will allow samples to be collected and assessed by the Animal Health Trust in order that a fully informed decision can be made on Monday,” he added.

“This may then allow declarations to take place on Tuesday in time for racing on Wednesday, with 24-hour declarations for all fixtures on this day, should racing be able to resume. Declarations for Thursday would revert to the usual procedures.”

All racing was abandoned today after three horses at a racing yard tested positive for the virus. The trainer had runners at Ludlow and Ayr yesterday (Wednesday, 6 February).

“We are grateful to trainers and veterinarians for the rapid flow of information and feedback we have received today,” said the BHA spokesman.

“Because of this, we have been able to make an informed decision earlier than we expected and before we have any test results back from horses from the affected yards that travelled to the three meetings.

“Trainers support a precautionary approach and we thank them for the collaborative manner in which they have worked with us to address this unfolding situation.”

He said the precautionary approach is intended to ensure horses’ health and the control of the virus are put first, avoiding unnecessary risks that might come from returning to racing too quickly.

“We appreciate the impact that this may have on the sport commercially, but disease control in order to mitigate the risk of further disruption to the sport — and safeguard the health and welfare of our horses — must be a priority,” he added.

“A plan will be constructed for the rescheduling of key races – and those which may provide important opportunities for horses to run – which are lost during this period.

“Separately, as a precaution, all of the trainers who had runners at the fixtures at Wolverhampton, Ludlow and Ayr this week have been informed that their yards have been placed under a temporary hold which means that they will not be able to make any declarations until their horses have been tested and cleared.”

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Trainers have been advised to limit the movement of people to and from their yard and put in place biosecurity measures.

In a statement this morning, the British Equestrian Federation said it is “closely monitoring the situation”, adding: “Veterinary experts have advised that it is not necessary to cancel other equine events at this time, but we will issue a further update once the full extent of the outbreak is known.”

An update from the BEF on Thursday evening added it “can confirm that our veterinary advice remains that it is not necessary to cancel other equine events at this time.”

“However we will continue to monitor the situation closely and will issue further updates once the full extent of this outbreak is known,” said the statement.

“We again urge all owners to be vigilant and follow the guidelines set out in our previous statement as a precaution. We recommend owners seek veterinary advice if necessary and ensure that all vaccinations are up to date.”

For more information on equine flu, click here

For all the latest news analysis, competition reports, interviews, features and much more, don’t miss Horse & Hound magazine, on sale every Thursday

Burghley course Blyth Tait
Fence 14 – The Joules Maltings

Blyth Tait, who has won Land Rover Burghley Horse Trials twice, is sharing his views on this year’s cross-country course exclusively with Horse & Hound readers in today’s magazine (23 August), and in our online videos.

Here are his thoughts on two of the key fences on course…

Land Rover Trout Hatchery (fence 11abcd, 12ab)

This, the main water complex, is going to take a lot of walking so that competitors can work out which of the several options suits them best. There are three pools of water to negotiate and a variety of options testing accuracy, bravery, line, focus and responsiveness to choose between.

There is one route that is obviously the shortest, and those who really want to win will take it. It’s high-risk, but if you want the winner’s cheque you have to accept that you’re going to be pushed out of your comfort zone. Once you have wasted five seconds, you’ve opened the door to someone else.

There will be plenty of mixing and matching of long and short routes here, I think. It’s a clear question, however — I don’t like surprises for horses and, although they need to be accurate, they can read this.

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Joules at the Maltings (fence 14abcd)

The straight route here consists of a massive white oxer on a bending five strides to a gigantic, nearly 90°, corner, then four forward strides to another corner. If riders lose momentum over the first corner and have to go on five, the second won’t come up so well. The ground falls away behind the oxer, which requires pace and power.

Horses will need to be very confident and true to their riders, and I can see less experienced combinations choosing the circuitous long route — although those who do need to understand the rules about crossing their tracks in combinations.

Read Blyth Tait’s thoughts on every fence on the cross-country course, plus ratings and his overall impressions, in today’s Horse & Hound magazine (dated 30 August). Full Burghley form guide also included in this issue, with vital stats and H&H’s expert assessment of every combination competing.

funny horse names

The modern world of emojis, where you can describe your life through the medium of tiny animations, seems to be taking over all forms of text communication.

And to celebrate ‘world emoji day’ today (17 July), here we give you a beginner’s guide to life with horses in the ‘language’ of emoji, from trying to explain a disaster on the yard to those days when you feel like a rodeo rider…

1. 🤦‍♀️: The moment you discover your horse has poo-ed in his water bucket.

2. 🐪: When your horse has been particularly unhelpful in a schooling session and felt more like a camel than Valegro.

3. 🐎💨: You couldn’t hold one side of your horse on the gallops.

4. 😱💩: You’ve just walked the course you’re about to have to jump and it’s MASSIVE.

5. 🎳💷💷💷💷: Sometimes you wonder how much healthier your bank account would be if you had taken up bowling instead [see also: 💷⬇🚽].

6. 🐴🦁😍: When your horse has just performed so bravely and you couldn’t love anything else more in the world right now.

7. 😱😨😰😢😭: Your horse comes in lame from the field.

8. ☺😇🤗: Your horse nails the flying-changes you’ve been teaching him.

9. 🐎🏃‍♀️🏃: You can’t catch your horse in from the field (🤔).

10. 🦄🦄🦄🦄🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️: When your horse makes you so happy you could cartwheel your way around the yard.

11. 🦅🦅👻👻👹🐎😩😩🚑🏥👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️🤕: A ‘horse-eating’ pheasant flies out of the hedge just as you’re hacking past — you fall off, horse disappears back to yard and you end up with a sore backside [disclaimer: there is not yet a pheasant emoji, so it had to be the eagle instead].

12. 🤠🤠😯🙄: Today you feel more like a rodeo rider than a dressage rider thanks to your horse’s bucking with the joys of spring.

13. 💅👑👌: You’ve turned your horse out to perfection, with the look nicely finished with a slick of hoof oil.

14. 🏇🙌❤: There’s actually no other place on Earth you would rather be than on your horse.

The latest issue of Horse & Hound magazine (29 June 2017) is out now, with a full report and analysis from the Hickstead Derby