9 reasons why we’re big fans of the blanket clip

Blanket clip

Ah clipping. One of winter’s many joys when it comes to horse ownership. There are so many questions. When to do the first clip? How late can you do the last clip? To do it yourself or pay someone? How often to clip?

And perhaps most pressing of all, what sort of clip is best? Of course lots of factors will influence your decision, from where you keep your horse to what work he is doing and how long his coat is. And your primary concern must be his welfare in terms of keeping him as comfortable as possible through these cold and wet months.

In my family, we’re firm advocates of the blanket clip. And this is why…

Why it’s better than a full clip…

1. You can take your horse’s rug off while you’re grooming him and not worry he’s going to freeze to death.

2. You can stand still for a few moments while waiting your turn during a clinic and not worry he’s going to freeze to death.

3. You can stop to blow your nose during a lesson and not worry he’s going to freeze to death (see the theme here?).

4. You can leave your horse out overnight without being completely riven with guilt. He’s still got hair on his bottom, right?

Why it’s better than a trace clip…

5. Your horse looks really smart with his face and neck clipped.

6. And all the part you can see when you’re riding is clipped, so you can pretend you’re riding at Olympia or on the Spanish Sunshine Tour or — well, frankly, anywhere glamorous — without being brought back to your muddy field with a bump by the sight of inch-long hairs.

Article continues below…

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7. You don’t have to deal with lots of damp sweaty long hair on his neck after you’ve had a bit of a canter about.

8. If the horse in question is grey, it’s much easier to keep a clipped neck and face clean than a hairy one.

And best of all…

9. You can still give him a full clip for his final clip of the winter and not have to deal with that bit of the year where all the long hair is coming out all over you, your car, the tack room, your house… I mean, we know it still comes off his legs, but at least having it off his back at that stage is slightly better, right?

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A group of the “most fearful” ponies a sanctuary has ever cared for, rescued from “horrifically squalid” conditions where they were found living with the rotting carcases of animals, are continuing on their road to recovery four years later.

The ponies, named after famous Charles Dickens characters including Tiny Tim and Marley from A Christmas Carol, were part of a multi-agency operation in August 2015, and taken into the care of Redwings Horse Sanctuary.

A spokesman for Redwings said while two of the 13 ponies had been rehomed, owing to the “extremely complex” needs of the remainder of the group, they continue to live at the sanctuary’s specialist behaviour centre in south Norwich.

“The group were rescued as part of a operation which involved more than 60 feral horses and ponies being removed from a farm, having been kept in horrifically squalid and upsetting conditions,” he said.

“Alongside the unhandled horses, cattle, pigs, sheep and goats were living knee-deep in faeces with no food or water in a yard littered with hazardous old farm machinery and scattered with the rotting carcasses of animals who had sadly perished before help had arrived.”

Redwings behaviour manager Sarah Hallsworth said the ponies were some of the most fearful the centre had ever cared for.
“When they arrived they were absolutely terrified of people – they would turn themselves inside out to get away from you which considering the terrible life they had led up until that point, is completely understandable,” she said.

“It was very important for their wellbeing, and our safety, that they became more comfortable around humans as this meant interventions, such as farriery visits and routine veterinary checks, were not as daunting for them and they could enjoy a relaxed and happy new life at the sanctuary.”

The spokesman said as part of the ponies’ training they had been getting used to being approached in the paddock, wearing headcollars and having their hooves picked out.

“In a calm, predictable environment with consistent training and a lot of patience, some of the ponies have progressed well with their handling and two have even been rehomed which makes us incredibly proud,” Sarah added.

“But for some, their traumatising past ordeal means that small steps such as simply allowing us to approach them in their field or introducing them to a headcollar are real achievements.”

The spokesman said it is unlikely that any more of the group will be suitable for rehoming in the future but added they have been “pledged” a permanent home at the sanctuary.

Article continued below…

“Those who will require specialist handling for the rest of their lives will enjoy a loving, permanent home at the behaviour centre,” he said.

Redwings’ chief executive Lynn Cutress said the behaviour team has been doing “incredible” work to give the ponies the chance they “desperately deserved” at leading new happy and healthy lives.

“Without our dedicated behaviour centre, many horses and donkeys in need with complex behavioural issues would have nowhere else to go,” she said. “We’re very lucky that thanks to our supporters we can fund this amazing facility and turn around the lives of so many feral and traumatised horses,” she said.

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Rooster was our November Bucket Fund horse.  He has a wound that could not be closed after a year of trying (vet hospitals, et all…).  A company called KERECIS offered help with a new type of fish skin graft that had not been used on an animal previously.  To read Rooster’s original story, click here.

Kerecis Omega3 is intact fish skin rich in naturally occurring Omega3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. When grafted onto damaged human tissue such as a burn or a diabetic wound, the material recruits the body’s own cells and is ultimately converted into living tissue.


Strawberry Mountain Mustangs is caring for Rooster.  They are applying the grafts (with vets) and changing the bandages per protocol.

Yesterday was another bandage change with remarkable results!

Here is the post from SMM:

I’ll go through and try to label each so you know what you’re seeing, but the first two are comparisons, with the bright pink skin being from today’s bandage change. In short, we’ve gained another 1/4+ inch all around. (I’ll check my notes and update this post on actual measurements.)

ETA – measurements:

On 11/26 measurements were:
4 1/4 top/bottom
3 3/4 side/side
4 3/4 diagonal

Today those measurements are:
3 1/4
4 1/8

The third picture is the first one taken when he came into our care. I’ve marked the fourth picture with some blue lines to show skin growth.

The pictures without the benefit of the Barn Hag Photo Filter just show me being a goober, but I wanted you all to know just why this horse is the kindest, gentlest creature on the planet. I’m routinely setting my phone on the ground at his feet, having my head up in his junk while I’m taking pictures etc… Last week my right meniscus, FKA “the good knee” tore while I was doing his bandage change. I’m sure he thought he was standing on a dying, caterwauling cat, but he never moved. Another horse and I might have been toast. Love you big guy. (Bandage changes now have me looking like a baby giraffe trying to drink.)

The fancy silver duct tape is our improvised measuring device, which is then laid flat on an actual tape measure.

Roo got to raid the apple tree today and we went for a bit of a walk together to find the bestest grass and clover.

Lastly… I’m a cheap skate. So if it means using the end of five effing rolls of bandaging, so be it. But your year end gifts really do keep us going… If you can give, please remember the horses like Rooster that YOU help SMM save. #imjustyourbarnhag

PayPal is admin@strawberrymountainmustangs.com

PO Box 2133, Roseburg OR 97470

Nice healthy edges, no hyper granulation today, on the right.

Skin growth in under a week’s time

When we started: Our first photo. Under the black, dead tissue was bone. And today…

Eating apples before the rebandage.

Amazing.  Such great work.  Such hope for so many other animals…

LET’S SPONSOR EDDY!  He was ripped from his freedom as an elder, very successful wild mustang.  Now he is stuck in our world.  WE CAN GIFT HIM GENTLING WITH HONOR so he can find a loving, forever home.

All donations are 100% tax deductible!  If you would like a Holiday Certificate of donation to give as a gift, email me!     THANK YOU in advance.  This means so much to me.

  If you receive these posts via email, click here to donate!


The post UPDATE ON ROOSTER, our November Bucket Fund horse with the revolutionary skin grafting for previously terminal wounds. appeared first on Horse and Man.

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Supporting The Bucket Fund through Amazon Smile is HUGE for the horses. Please choose HORSE AND MAN when you make your Amazon purchase through this link. THANK YOU!

Over this festive season, we are shining a light on up-and-coming talent across the equestrian disciplines. These are riders you really need to keep an eye out for during the 2020 season…

Not many riders manage to win two medals on a horse they have been riding less than a year, but that’s exactly what Leilia Paske achieved when she took double silver at the 2019 junior eventing European Championships on Billy McFee.

“We bought Fee in November 2018 as just a project,” explains Leilia. “Although I was careful to compete at a gentle pace to start with, she exceeded all our expectations by winning individual and team at the Europeans in July. It was a dream come true and an unbelievable experience that I shall not forget in a long time.”

She adds: “Despite being a little shy, Fee is amazing to ride as she always gives her all and is incredibly quick on her feet. She can be quite cunning at home and you have to watch her carefully, as she is prone to untying herself and going for a walk.”

Billy McFee belongs to Leilia’s siblings through The Paske Syndicate, who also own a young horse who she will bring on next season. Her brother, Freddy Paske, is an equine artist and the rider likes to spend time supporting him when she can, as well as describing family holidays as a “yearly highlight”.

Leilia is based at home in rural Suffolk and says her parents Tim and Georgie are her “key supporters”.

With a self-contained yard 20 yards from the back door, it makes the morning commute just bearable,” she jokes.

Leilia is currently enjoying a gap year before taking up a place to study history at Newcastle in September. This has included riding out for a local point-to-point yard and some time travelling in the USA.

“I spent a very cold month in Chicago doing some work in insurance,” she explains. “I then travelled south to Florida to spend time with Lauren Kieffer, to gain insight into how eventing in the US differs and learn some alternative ways of training and educating horses.”

Leilia will then spend the rest of her gap year focusing on eventing full-time. As well as Billy McFee, she has Fernhill First Friend (“Yam”) to ride, with whom as she achieved her first international win in the CCIY2*-L at Frickley last July.

Leilia says: “We’ve had him for three and half years. He’s a much-loved character not just at home but also on the circuit — he considers himself almost human.”

Of her plans for next year, the 18-year-old says: I would love to try for young riders and I am thrilled to have been selected for the BE youth performance development squad for 2020. I would like to get another international win under my belt.”

Article continues below…

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Beyond her family, Leilia credits “amazing support from Rachel Read of Rossdales, farrier Rob Shave and groom Alison James. 

I am also lucky to have three outstanding trainers in Caroline Powell, Judy Harvey and Brigit Ensten — all very different in their approach but the combination is awesome,” she says. 

Leilia says her greatest ambition in eventing is to go around Burghley as it has been her favourite event for spectating since she she was a child.

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Adorable, LEATHER MINI HORSES! Check it out!

Aren’t these adorable?!  How does someone think of this to do with a piece of leather?!  I just love the detail – even the stitching is perfect!

A reader, Casey, made these darling leather horses – and offered them to benefit our Drop in the Bucket Fund horse, Big Eddy!  Here is her website.  (Casey is a leather worker – and I will write all about her in a future blog because her tooling is incredible!)

Aren’t these horses so cute?!  If you purchase, I will bring them to the Post Office immediately to make it by Christmas!  I have 12 of them. (3″ tall, 3″ long, 2″ wide) The price is $20 each plus $5 shipping per.  So, $25.  All sales proceeds will go to Big Eddy, our December Drop in the Bucket Fund horse!  If we sell all of these, we can add $240 to his bucket!

I think it would be a fun project to tan these horses into different breed colors!  Or paint them Paints!  Or, just leave them natural and they are a herd of gorgeous Creams!

If you would like one (or more) of these adorable, hand-crafted, leather horses for $25 including shipping, click here!


LET’S SPONSOR EDDY!  He was ripped from his freedom as an elder, very successful wild mustang.  Now he is stuck in our world.  WE CAN GIFT HIM GENTLING WITH HONOR so he can find a loving, forever home.

All donations are 100% tax deductible!  If you would like a Holiday Certificate of donation to give as a gift, email me!     THANK YOU in advance.  This means so much to me.

  If you receive these posts via email, click here to donate!

The post Adorable, LEATHER MINI HORSES! Check it out! appeared first on Horse and Man.

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Riding Warehouse

Your purchase with R.W. through this link helps the Bucket Fund!

When you shop @AmazonSmile, Amazon will make a donation to Horse And Man Inc.

Supporting The Bucket Fund through Amazon Smile

Supporting The Bucket Fund through Amazon Smile is HUGE for the horses. Please choose HORSE AND MAN when you make your Amazon purchase through this link. THANK YOU!

Our good friend, Michael Johnson, has sent to me 25 hardback books of “Susie, The Whispering Horse” to sell to benefit our December Bucket Fund Horse, Big Eddy!

The books arrived today and they are so NICE!  They feel great and look even better.  It measures 11.5 x 9.  There are 32 pages with 26 illustrations.  Easy print.  Lovely illustrations. Heavy paper.  Hard back.  Weighs less than a pound.  GREAT  message…

And the very best part, it reads like a poem or a song –  It is so lyrical!   This story is made for being read aloud.  AND, the illustrations drew me in absolutely.  I could look at the detail forever.  I could just imagine being the little girl I was, coveting this book and poring over the pictures.

100% of sales of these 25 books will go to Big Eddy!  Each book is $25, which includes shipping in US).

Click here and I’ll send you a book today!  Thank you for helping Eddy!!  And thank you for fostering the love of the horse in your special little humans.

Click image to order book.

It is so lyrical! Large print, quality illustrations… and the paper feels great!

Such great illustrations! I would have pored over a book like this when I was a little girl. It would have been worn thin!

I love the message… you will, too.

The back cover.


Big Eddy is a gorgeous, huge blue roan who was gathered by the BLM in his elder years – and deemed worthless due to his age. Well, he isn’t worthless. He survived all these years in the wild. Eddy is the epitome of strength and knowledge. Let’s give him a new freedom… let’s allow him to learn the ways of his new world so he can be adopted into a wonderful, forever home! Thank you so much!

DID YOU SEE OUR DECEMBER BUCKET FUND STORY?  If you missed it, click here to read about our beautiful, elder gentleman Eddy.

All donations are 100% tax deductible.  No donation too small, it all adds up!

Click here to donate!  THANK YOU!

The post A VERY SWEET CHILDREN’S BOOK (great illustration, too!) by Michael Johnson AVAILABLE NOW HERE! 100% of sales go to our Bucket Fund horse, Big Eddy! appeared first on Horse and Man.

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Riding Warehouse

Your purchase with R.W. through this link helps the Bucket Fund!

When you shop @AmazonSmile, Amazon will make a donation to Horse And Man Inc.

Supporting The Bucket Fund through Amazon Smile

Supporting The Bucket Fund through Amazon Smile is HUGE for the horses. Please choose HORSE AND MAN when you make your Amazon purchase through this link. THANK YOU!

B5X5W1 Russian flag flying proudly over the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia
Russian riders will not be allowed to compete under their nation’s flag at Tokyo 2020.

Russian riders will not be allowed to compete under their nation’s flag at Tokyo 2020 as a result of a ban from the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

Russia has been banned for four years from competing in Olympics, Paralympics, Youth Olympics, World Championships and “any other event organised by a major event organisation”.



* What do you think of the decision? Do you think it’s fair that athletes who haven’t had any positive tests are being affected by this ruling? Let us know at hhletters@ti-media.com and your thoughts could be published in a future issue of Horse & Hound magazine *

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To be honest, the first two weeks after surgery, even though it was an incredibly painful and inconvenient time, it was also wonderful to have a rock solid excuse to not do anything.  I actually remarked to Hubby and a few of my friends that this guilt-free vacation was amazing.  I was so happy!  Truly, I thought about that a lot.  I thought about how unburdened and happy I was in those first weeks.

As I started to feel better and could walk pretty well, I thought that I had better get back to life.  I had responsibilities and that voice started up again in my head.  “Enough is enough… Better get back to it.”

Today, 4 weeks post op, I went for my first checkup.  I figured my surgeon would give me the green light to go back to work… or at least tell me when I should be ready to go back to work.

In a way, I fully expected to be graded, or something, as to how I was progressing compared to other hip replacement patients.  I wanted to know how I was doing… was I on track?  Was I doing everything I was supposed to do?  When should I go back to work?

Then came the life lesson – again – the same one.

Here’s how it went down…

My cheery DR came in.  He looked at my incision and gave me the synopsis from his perspective.  No infection, some swelling still, numbness, but good mobility.

I asked, “How am I doing?  When can I go back to work?”

He said, “You tell me.”

In that moment, once again, I got myself handed to me on a platter.

He said, “You cannot compare yourself to anyone else.  This is your body, your experience.  Your healing.  So, you tell me.  How are you doing?


Me (stuck – still looking for a grade or a measurement compared to others):  “Well, how do you think I am doing?”

DR:  “You aren’t infected.  You look good.”

Me:  “Yeah, but I’m tired all the time, sometimes there is so much pain, I walk with a limp, I still use the cane, I’m tired, I nap, my muscles are weak…”

DR:  “That’s totally fine.  Nothing unusual.  Give yourself the time you need.  You’ve just had major, Major, MAJOR surgery.  Stop reading the internet.  Use this time wisely.  Don’t watch the clock and stop pushing yourself.  Just listen to your body.  REALLY LISTEN, and you’ll know what to do for yourself.  As far as work, you tell me when you are ready.  When you feel you are ready, just tell Sonja (his nurse) and I’ll send the letter you need to resume work.”

Me (still stuck):  “What about the pain?”

DR:  “Yes, there is pain.  But here is the issue.  YOU are the exact type of patient that I won’t renew any narcotics.  Because when YOU have narcotics, you get more things DONE.  You say to yourself, I need to take the pill so I can get all this stuff done.  When in reality, you should NOT be getting all that stuff done.  You should rest and heal.  People like you take twice as long to heal because they don’t honor the healing process.  They try to overcome it or push through it… and that scenario never, ever works.  Stop doing.”

Me:  “That is exactly me.”

DR:  “I know.”

Sometimes angels come in varying forms.  They even whisper what to say into your Doctor’s ear.

–Another lesson.  The same lesson.  My primary lesson in this lifetime.  Stop.  Savor.  Listen.  If LYME Disease couldn’t teach me to STOP doing… how about total hip replacement…

Now I just need to figure out how to apply that into my journey.

Or in my case, a total physical breakdown.



The post You know that dream/nightmare where you haven’t studied for the test… or you can’t find the right door… Uh huh. If you don’t listen to those messages, life steps in and sits on your head. appeared first on Horse and Man.

HORSE AND MAN is a blog in growth… if you like this, please pass it around!

Riding Warehouse

Your purchase with R.W. through this link helps the Bucket Fund!

When you shop @AmazonSmile, Amazon will make a donation to Horse And Man Inc.

Supporting The Bucket Fund through Amazon Smile

Supporting The Bucket Fund through Amazon Smile is HUGE for the horses. Please choose HORSE AND MAN when you make your Amazon purchase through this link. THANK YOU!

I’m catching up on all of the mail I’ve neglected… do you go for the colored envelopes first?  I do.  Always.

So the first envelope I picked up was this HOT PINK one.   It had no return address… but that isn’t that abnormal.  Also, it didn’t seem to have gone through the Post Office stamping machine, I didn’t think – but wasn’t sure.

Inside, there was a hand written note, “Drop In The Bucket Fund”.  It was written on paper that would have been kept in a ring binder – but it wasn’t ripped out, it was taken out.

And, a $20 bill!

No name, no return address.

I like to thank everyone who donates, personally.  I try to never miss.  So, if this is you, Thank you!


DID YOU SEE OUR DECEMBER BUCKET FUND STORY YESTERDAY?  If you missed it, click here to read about our beautiful, elder gentleman Eddy.  His freedom was taken, but we can help him reframe his life through gentling – and find a forever, loving home – Click here to donate!  THANK YOU.

OTHER WAYS TO HELP EDDY (maybe check off something on your Holiday list?)

  1.  I have two LG Bitless Bridles!  One Black Smooth and one Brown Smooth.  I import these bridles from Germany and, IMHO, they are the best bitless headstalls available.  They give you traction at the poll and the nose.  Click here to read about them.

–If you would like the brown LG bridle ($125 includes shipping), click here.

–If you would like the black LG bridle ($125 includes shipping), click here.


2.  We have 4 copies of MICHAEL JOHNSON’s  “The Trials of Joe Ben Black, Confessions of a Rope Horse”  books available!  $30 (free shipping!)  I LOVE THIS BOOK!  So much learning about teaching and training… all with humor and a smile.  All proceeds go to the Bucket Fund for Eddy!

Click here to get your copy!  Free shipping!

3)  CYBER MONDAY BLOWOUT!  All jewelry sale proceeds go to Eddy!


Click here to visit sales page! All jewelry sold benefits the Drop in the Bucket Fund. To follow us on our beautiful FB page, click here! fb-icon

Shipping (within the continental USA) included in all prices!


CYBER MONDAY BLOWOUT! PRECIOUS METALS necklace! Sale Price Only $88!!!

This has all the colors of precious metals in Czech glass beads and pearls. Matte gold, bronze, copper, silver, crystal and pearl. Perfect for layering with anything or as a stand alone. Wear single or doubled. Handmade Sterling silver heart charm at crystal closure. 42″


CYBER MONDAY BLOWOUT! LAVENDER CREAM necklace! Sale Price only $38!!

This one doesn’t photograph as pretty as it really is in person! Gorgeous translucent cream Czech glass beads in graduated sizes with plum Czech glass seed beads. Handmade Sterling heart charm at Amethyst nugget closure. 16.5″


CYBER MONDAY BLOWOUT! HOLIDAY REDS necklace! Sale price only $28!!

Czech glass red and red mercury glass beads with crystal closure. So sweet and perfect for a holiday party! 17″


CYBER MONDAY BLOWOUT! TRUE AMETHYST necklace! Sale Price only $48!

Sweet, delicate amethyst gemstone faceted beads with crystal closure. Very nice and graceful. 18″


CYBER MONDAY BLOWOUT! TEALY PLUM necklace! Sale Price only $40!!

Oh this is so mysterious and fabulous! The beads are graduated Czech glass teal/plum/gold. Depending upon the angle, it can look like all three or variations of teal/plum/gold. So pretty! Sterling silver handmade heart charm at crystal closure. 16″



This is really pretty! Precious copper patina’d cross with bronze Czech glass beads and turquoise nuggets and copper patina heart at crystal closure. Chain is 20″. Pendant an additional 1″.



Sweetbird Studio coin charm with turquoise heart and sterling flower, back side says, “Protect this Woman”. Chain is turquoise nuggets, turquoise beads, Czech glass mercury, crustal and silver beads at Crystal closure. So perfect! Chain is 18″ Pendant and additional 1′.


CYBER MONDAY BLOWOUT! PERFECT HOLIDAY necklace! Sale price only $42!!

Oh my gosh, this is so pretty and perfect for your holiday outfit. A lovely matte burgundy Czech glass bead with matte gold in varied sizes, crystal gold, rose gold and crystal closure. Very lovely. 18″.



This is a gorgeous color! Seafoam Czech glass beads tin graduated sizes with clear peridot beads to Crystal closure. Such a beautiful pop of color this season! 17″



These one-of-a-kind necklaces are NEVER on sale! Wohoo!! Sweetbird Studio Protect this Rider pewter pendant (back says, “And the horse she rode in on”) with gorgeous turquoise nuggets, silver chain and lobster clasp – so you can vary the length! Awesome alone or layered. I always receive so many compliments on mine! Chain is 17″, Pendant an extra 1″.



So much work and lovely color here! 54″ of Czech Glass beads of all shapes and sizes in winter bright colors! Wear layered or alone – long, doubled or tripled – decided what is the front and change it around whenever you want! Such a deal!



The post ANY SHERLOCK HOLMES’ OUT THERE?! We received a lovely, anonymous donation for Eddy! Was it yours? And, more ways to help Eddy and also check off your Holiday List! appeared first on Horse and Man.

HORSE AND MAN is a blog in growth… if you like this, please pass it around!

Riding Warehouse

Your purchase with R.W. through this link helps the Bucket Fund!

When you shop @AmazonSmile, Amazon will make a donation to Horse And Man Inc.

Supporting The Bucket Fund through Amazon Smile

Supporting The Bucket Fund through Amazon Smile is HUGE for the horses. Please choose HORSE AND MAN when you make your Amazon purchase through this link. THANK YOU!

I wasn’t allowed to feed for at least 3 weeks after my surgery.  So, Hubby has been doing it.

Well, last week, it started raining… and as we all know, this place is horrible in the rain – mucky, deep, sticky, wet clay.  So Hubby wouldn’t allow me to feed last week, just in case I slipped and fell.

Today, Hubby is out of town, so it was up to me.  And I was totally ready to feed!   I couldn’t wait!  I had treats and buckets and fresh hay and bits of alfalfa…

Uhhh, yeah… and … it was epicly WET and NASTY and MUCKY and… I pretty much concentrated on every.single.step. so that I wouldn’t slip and fall.  I practically gave myself a migraine, gripping onto every fence rail and placing every.single. foot fall.


But, it was fun anyway!

I took pics – sorry for the mess – but here is everyone!

Gwen gave me that look… FIX THIS, FIX EVERYTHING! Look at her little askew lips. She doesn’t like the rain.

BG: “Hi, you’re looking so much better than last week!”

Wrigley: “Unless you have more treats, don’t bother me… I’m too busy defending my food against EVERYONE. PS: Please clean up the mud; I’m tired of slipping here.”

Finn, the King, being Finn. *I was so upset with him because he dumped all of his fresh hay into the putrid mud. He noses it all out of his very deep Rubbermaid, trying to get the best morsels on the bottom. Grrrrrrrr.

Dalton wouldn’t look at me. I gave him a treat bucket, but I forgot that he hates soaked beet pulp. You’d think I’d slapped him. He is so emotional! He WOULD NOT look at me, but he kept nosing his ‘blech’ bucket. I’m sure Missy and Mo will eat it when Dalton leaves.

Missy and Mo, having no trouble dispatching their buckets. Mo is always so happy to see me!   I love that about him.  He brayed and begged for love. I gave him lots of love. Missy said, HI, then went back to eating.

Dodger and Norma are always so curious and loving. Both wanted lots of love, which is easier to give to them because they are on level ground and they don’t have much muck in their paddock. They are in the Executive paddock because they are the elders and deserve the best!

Brother and sister kitties, with tree leaves EVERYWHERE!

DID YOU SEE OUR DECEMBER BUCKET FUND STORY YESTERDAY?  If you missed it, click here to read about our beautiful, elder gentleman Eddy.  His freedom was taken – and the BLM deemed him worthless because of his age… but we can help him form a new life through gentling…and that perfect home! – Click here to donate!  THANK YOU.

The post I fed today, for the first time in 30 days! (I think it’s been raining for 30 days, too!…) appeared first on Horse and Man.

HORSE AND MAN is a blog in growth… if you like this, please pass it around!

Riding Warehouse

Your purchase with R.W. through this link helps the Bucket Fund!

When you shop @AmazonSmile, Amazon will make a donation to Horse And Man Inc.

Supporting The Bucket Fund through Amazon Smile

Supporting The Bucket Fund through Amazon Smile is HUGE for the horses. Please choose HORSE AND MAN when you make your Amazon purchase through this link. THANK YOU!