So I was gone for 24 hours, visiting my mother.
I was gone for 24 hour- which is 2 feedings from Hubby.
When I arrived home, there was an aura of elation, pleading and feigned indifference.
First we have Annie, Missy Miss and Mo, who were right in front of the garage. They saw me pull in and offload all the stuff my Mom gave to me (as she always does… food, clothes, stuff, dishware… more stuff…).
I could feel their eyes burning holes through my back.
Annie: Ahem. AHEM! Just in case you didn’t know… he doesn’t feed like you do. Would you mind feeding us right NOW.
Missy Miss: I’m so glad to see you!
Mo (standing way back): Phew! I wasn’t sure you would ever come back. I thought maybe we would all be fending for ourselves like I did when I was living in the wilds. Have I ever told you about living in the wilds of Nevada? We had to actually look for our food! We worked for our food. It wasn’t just put in a trough for us. And water… OY, WATER! That was always an issue…
FINN, BG AND WRIGLEY were all very hopeful.
Finn: Is that YOU? Oh thank horsegods!
BG: It is her, it is her!
Wrigley: Where? WHERE is she?
GWEN was her typical Diva self…
Gwen: Oh, so you decided to show up, eh? Well, we all almost starved. He starves us!
–The truth of the matter is that I overfeed, over water and over indulge all of my animals. But, not that much… still, probably enough to make a big difference when Hubby feeds in the two seconds he gives himself before going to work… I think he makes sure they are all standing, and then he throws the exact amount of hay needed, and scurries off to his car.
I, on the otherhand, look everyone over… I chat to them all, I place more hay than needed in more piles than needed, I mix up the hays, I dump the water and refill… and if any of them seem the least bit under the weather, I doctor them.
Hubby, not so much. “They’ll be fine until she gets home.”
When Scouty is very happy, she parades around with one of her beloved stuffed animals. She was very happy.
The cats act like it is no big deal, but the fact that they were all around me, indicated that either Hubby forgot about them, or he put into practice his notion that the cats are barn cats and should do their jobs and go catch their own dinner. (I feed the cats twice a day so that they don’t feel too compelled to kill things….)

All 4 cats following me around, acting like they don’t care – but they all don’t normally follow me around … so they are letting me know that they want FOOD.
My animals are all spoiled. Just the way I like it!
One of our very supportive readers, Doris, sent 60 handmade cards for us to use as a promotion for the MAY BUCKET FUND KANSAS 53 horses.
Doris McQuiddy took all of these lovely, scenic photographs, printed them all, cut them to size, added her special signatures, added photos to the back – and sent them to me FOR THE BUCKET FUND HORSES!!!!
Thank you, Doris!
Click the below buttons and we will send to you a selection of these handmade cards (shipping included)! We only have limited sets so come get ’em!
–Set of 4 cards for $20 per set CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE A SET OF 4 CARDS
–Set of 5 cards for $25 per set CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE A SET OF 5 CARDS
All the monies we will then donate to the May Drop in the Bucket Fund! You will love these cards! Such a bargain for all this love!

All beautiful photography by Dorothy McQuiddy. She created and printed these cards with love for the Bucket Fund horses.
Click here to read their story. Click here to Donate! Thank you!
All donations are 100% tax deductible!
–We are 2/3 the way there to helping ALL 53 of these horses have a better life!
CLICK HERE to see the donation thermometer rise!
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